Our Core Confession
We believe Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection are essential to God's plan to heal and renew our broken world. We are all in with serving Jesus as He is healing and renewing people to Himself.
Our Affirmation of Faith
The Bible is the Word of God, which means that it's without error.
There is one true and living God. He exists in three Persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God created all things for His glory.
God created men and women in His image.
All have sinned and rebelled against God.
God alone is the author of salvation.
Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life, and died an atoning death, conquering sin, Satan, and death in His resurrection. He appeared to the disciples and many others before He ascended to Heaven.
The Holy Spirit gives gifts to those who are in Christ.
The Church consists of all who have trusted Jesus Christ for their eternal salvation.
Heaven and hell are real places.
Jesus Christ will one day return to establish His Kingdom.
Our Values
Biblical Authority
Christ-Centered in Focus
Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Reliant on Prayer
Authentic Community
Intentional Discipleship
Relevant Environments
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